We'd sometimes like to see our system through the eyes of another user - to see what we can improve and change, and how things look from another perspective. Here's how to do just that:
What are Roles in the System?
In your LearningZone, each user is assigned a role which premits him to see cretain sections and perofrm different actions in the system. As we've said, sometimes you would like to see the system from the user's perspective; for example, an admin who makes a course would like to check how the user sees what he has just made.
So What Do We Do?
Step 1: Go into the course/program you would like to see from the user's point of view.
Step 2: Under the 'Administration' box, select 'Switch Role To...'. Then, click on the role you'd like to switch to ('Learner', for example)
Now you are able to see what the chosen role sees in the course!
To Return to your Original Role: Click on 'Return to My Normal Role' in the upper right hand side
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