After creating our users, it's important that we give them some context and assign them to the managers, organizations and positions that they belong to. Why you ask? Simple - the more clarity Learning Zone has about where a user belongs, the more individualized his learning journey will be; if a user is associated with the right managers, they too will be able to track his progress, and offer up some advice based on their personal relationship with that employee. Sounds good enough? Let's see how to do just that below:
After you have created a new user, you will need to:
Step 1: Go in Site Administration --> Users --> Accounts --> Browse list of users --> Click on the user you'd like to edit
Step 2: In the user profile under Administration, click on 'Primary Position'. Them fill out the following:
- Title (fullname) - the complete name of the user's job
- Title (shortname) - this is the short name of the user's job , which will be displayed
- Description - a short description of the user's job
- Position - here, you'll be able to choose from a list of positions by clicking 'choose position': for example, sales rep. This will be relevant later on in getting meaningful reports from the system
- Organization - here, you'll be able to choose from a list of organizations by clicking 'choose organization': for example, IT Department. This will be relevant later on in getting meaningful reports from the system.
- Start Date - you'll be able to choose the date the user starts this job
- End Date - you'll be able to choose the date the user ends this job
- Manager - here, you'll be able to select the user's manager. This manager will be notified when the user has progressed in his programs/courses, get notifications about a user's learning opportunities, and will be able to monitor the user's work. The user will be under said manager and will be considered part of his team.
- Appraiser - here you'll be able to choose the appraiser for the user.
- Temporary Manager - a temporary manager can be selected for the user, and will get the same notifications and access as a user's regular manager
- Temporary Manager Expiry Date - here you can select the date when the temporary manager will no longer be the manager, and the manager position will revert back to the old one.
Step 3: Click 'Update Position'
Tips and Suggestions:
- Think about what positions and organizations your user belongs to by thinking of your position and organizational hierarchies; this will make it easier later on to sign the user up for courses, programs, etc.
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