Often times, you'll need a specific report at a specific time for a very particular reason; you know what I mean - the boss asks you to produce a status reports, for example, on the on boarding process of your new employees - Every. Single. Month. Why not make it easier on yourself and get those reports automatically from your LearningZone?
Step 1: Go into 'My Reports' and make sure the report you'd like to view is there.
Optional - If you would like to get a scheduled report on only a portion of the shown report (for example - you would like to see only the courses involving a certain activity out of the course completion report, or out of the completed certifications report, you would only like to view the active users) go into that report, make the required search, and save it as a saved search. To learn more about saved searching, you're welcome to visit our Knowledgebase.
Step 2: In the page of 'My Reports', under 'Scheduled Reports', select the name of the report you'd like to schedule to get in the mail and select 'Add Scheduled Report'.
Step 3: Under 'Data', if you've set any saved searched for your report, you may select to send the full report or the saved results only.
Step 4: Select what format you'd like your report sent in (CSV, PDF, etc.)
Step 5: Select the timing of your scheduled report - Daily (plus at what time ), Weekly (and on which day each week), Monthly (and on what date), or hourly/every several minutes.
Step 6: Under 'Audiences', you may add audiences who this report will also be sent to, or you may add individual users by user name or by email address. Users may get the report from Learning Zone even if they don't have access to the report within the system itself.
Step 7: Click 'Save Changes'
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