Sometimes, it's important for us to know a user has viewed a certain file or document in order to keep track of their learning and be there along the way. This article will describe setting activity completion settings with these standard. Here's how :
Step 1:Click 'Turn Editing On' inside your course
Step 2: Add a file or document activity OR click on an existing activity of this type
Step 3: At the bottom of the page of the 'Edit Settings' page, under 'Activity Completion' click the following:
- Completion Tracking - if you would like the activity to be marked as complete only when the user opens the file/document, select ' show activity as complete when conditions are met'. Otherwise, you can select the 'students can manually mark the activity as completed', meaning the users will have to manually check the box beside the activity to mark he's read it.
- Require View - select this option if you would like the completion requirement to be clicking on the said document. Remember, the system doesn't know who actually read the file, but only who clicked to download it.
- Remember that the way you may view a file depends on its type and whether it can be displayed in the browser. PDFs for example can be viewed in a browser, while Word documents must be downloaded to be viewed.
Step 4: Save your changes.
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