There's a certain order in your course - you've thought about it long and hard, and you'd like your learners to follow it in order to develop a logical learning pattern - and this retain more information. Luckily, LearningZone allows you to monitor and reveal an activity only after it predecessor has been completed. Let's learn how:
Step 1: Go into the your course and click 'Turn editing on'
Step 2: Add activities to the course as needed
Step 3: Enter the editing mode in the activity that must be completed before the next activity may open to the learner
Step 4: Under the tab 'Activity Completion' - in the field of completion tracking, select 'show activity as complete when all conditions are met'.
Step 5: Set the completion requirements for this activity. Remember - completion requirements may vary between different types of activities.
Step 6: Enter the activity that will be revealed after the previous activity (in the editing mode)
Step 7: Under the tab of 'Restrict Access' click 'Add Restriction'
Step 8: Set the access requirements to completion of the previous activity. Notice that you may set more than one restriction to reveal the course; for example, you can decide the learner must complete the two previous activities, or complete an activity and receive a certain grade.
Remember to Save your changes.
Common questions on this subject:
Q: The activity that must be revealed later is grey and un clickable. How can I make this activity completely hidden?
A: To hide your activity, click the eye button ('hide') when setting up the activity.
Q: I'd like to edit the completion requirements for an activity but the system says its locked. How can I fix it?
A: When certain users have already completed the activity, changing the completion requirements may affect their completion status as well. You may change the completion requirements without wiping the previous completion records. For more information - contact out support team!
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