Course completions
Using completion conditions allows the system to automatically report when a learner completes a course. If a learner has completed the course, or activities used to calculate the course completion, the completion options are locked. This is because changing these options may result in unexpected behaviour.
Courses with completion conditions set can be used as evidence items for competencies.
Set up completion conditions
Completion conditions are locked once a learner has attempted an activity within the course because they may have completed it according to the conditions set and if these conditions are then changed this affects the learner's progress and the integrity of the learner's data.
- Click Course Completionin the Course Administration options to set the course completion conditions.
- Next you can configure your desired settings.
- Click Save changesto save the course completion conditions.
Editing completion conditions
When a course has completion settings included, the completion settings are automatically locked so they can't be changed easily. If you need to change the course completion conditions there are two options on what to do with the existing completion data:
- Unlock criteria and delete existing completion data
- Unlock criteria without deleting
Modifying course completion criteria after some users have already completed the course is not recommended since it means different users will be marked as complete for different reasons.
Unlock criteria and delete existing completion data
All completion information for the course and course activities is deleted. You can then set new completion conditions for the course, when you click Save changes on the Completion Settings page LearningZone will, where possible, recalculate the user completion data according to the new settings the next time cron runs.
- If the new completion option is manual, everyone is set to not completedregardless of any previous setting.
- If the new completion option is automatic then, depending on the options chosen, the system may or may not be able to construct a correct current value for everyone.
- The viewedrequirement cannot generate a complete status on activities the learner has previously viewed, unless they view it again.
- If you change completion options while a learner is logged in, they may not see the changes for some minutes.
- Unlock completion options and delete user completion datawill not remove RPL completion data.
Unlock criteria without deleting
You can choose to keep all existing course completion records and accept that different users may have received their status for different accomplishments.
Course completion editor
The course completion editor allows you to review and edit a learners course completion.
The editor allows you to edit course completion, criteria completion, activity completion, and historic data for any learner. It allows you to put this data into any valid state. There are also transaction logs, which record all changes that are made to these records (both from within the editor and in other areas of LearningZone Learn, e.g. completion of an activity, or when cron reaggregates completion). It also includes a checker, which can be used to find records which have a problem (e.g. data in an invalid state).
The Course completion editor is available if you have the right permissions from any course via the Administration block by following the path Course administration > Completion editor. To access the editor you need to have the capability LearningZone/completioneditor:editcoursecompletion (by default this is only administrators).
Edit course completion
- From the Administration block go to Course administration > Completion editor.
- Find the learner whose record you wish to edit, then click the Edit course completionlink alongside their name.
- You can then scroll down or use the tabs to find an activity or criteria you wish to edit.
- Once you have found the item you want to edit click the cog icons next to it so you can edit the settings.
- Once you have made your edits click Save changes.
Completion checker
The completion checker displays a summary of all problems that have been detected, as well as a list of all the individually affected records. Advice and/or automated fixes may be available for each category of problem. Clicking a user will take you to the completion editor for that user, where the problem can be manually fixed, or automatically fixed if an automatic fix is available for the specific problem.
The checker can be accessed in two ways:
- Site level:If you've got the capability in the site context then in you can go to Site administration > Courses > Manager courses and Categories where there is a link at the top of the page Check course completions. Using this link will check for all problems in all completion records in all courses.
- Course level:From the Completion editor in a course there is a link in the top left corner to Check course completions. Using this link will check for all problems in all completion records relating to the current course.
Completion archive
The course completion archive allows you to reset the course completions for all the users who have previously completed the course.
This is done by moving the completion records into a table on the database called course_completion_history table which stores a limited amount of information about the completion record, only the id, courseid, userid, timecompleted, and grade. Once it has been moved the system then deletes the course completion record, criteria completion records, and activity completion records so that the user can retake the course.
The course completion archive will not remove learners from the course, anyone enrolled will remain enrolled but with an empty course completion record so that they can retake the course.
Once the course completion has been archived the learner's Record of learning will have a previous completions column with a link to see when the course was completed and the grade at the time of completion. The progress of the course will be zero as the user would need to complete the course again.
Archiving course completion
To archive the course completion records:
- In the Administrationmenu go to Course administration > Completions archive.
- Once you have clicked Completions archiveyou will be asked to confirm if you wish to proceed and alerted as to how many users will be affected by this change (e.g. how many users will have their course completion records reset).
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